The challenge

The LEADER Partnership wanted to encourage local people to focus on their town’s heritage, with a view to developing heritage-related projects that would benefit the community.

Our response

We worked closely with groups in Thomastown, Graiguenamanagh, Gorwan and Callan.

We ran two informal community heritage-mapping workshops in each town to identify and celebrate the cultural and heritage value of their towns.

We provided training in heritage communication skills, including guided walk leadership.

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Each community then developed and hosted a “Showcasing our Town” event with one of the other groups as their guests. These were very enjoyable days (despite the rain) and helped to build the inter-community links that were an important outcome of the project.

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Finally we supported the group in developing proposals for a heritage-based community project (such as an interpretive trail or a community event) and a well-planned application for LEADER funding.


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