White flower

Garden Interpretation

Interpretation for gardens has to be as well-thought out, and as impactful and as pleasing to the senses as the best garden design. This is the sort of challenge we like.

What is special about garden interpretation?

Gardens have it all; the beauty of nature, people stories, fine art and landscaping. Usually this is all beautifully packed in a relatively small parcel of land. Gardens are gift – to interpreters as much as to anyone else.

Gardens are about leisure and pleasure and the interpretation has to be too.


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Fertile with possibilities

People love gardens in different ways. For some people it is about the names of plants, or the history of garden design. Traditional interpretation has tended to focus on those areas.

We like to diversify that and introduce people stories (maybe of plant collectors, or present day gardeners or people who use plant products today) or activities that focus on the aesthetics of the planting, maybe as a springboard to creativity.

International garden interpretation

We have trained numerous botanic gardens managers and their staff from around the world through our training work for Botanic Gardens Conservation International and for the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

We have visited botanic gardens across the world and studied their interpretation.

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On our wish list

We love gardens and interpreting gardens. We hope to have the opportunity to work with more.