Local people and communities

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We are especially interested in automated lighthouses as tourism businesses at the moment. This means that even when on holiday in a faraway area in the extreme south west of Scotland, a community-run lighthouse attraction that radiates success stops us in our TellTale tracks.   We spent a large part of the last year working on interpretation strategies and […]

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Heritage and countryside sites need the support of local people. Indeed I might even go as far as to say that without that support the site or attraction has missed its purpose.

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It is all very well to say that ‘History is what happened and Heritage is what it means us now’, (see here) but how do you find out what that means in practice? How do you find out what people value? How do you get a community to work together on a heritage project? This is what […]

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We were back in Kilkenny last week, looking at more communities who we might work with on the Kilkenny LEADER Partnership’s Community Heritage and Cultural Interpretation Mentoring project. The project is developing nicely.  We held a lively Launch Meeting for community representatives at The Heritage Council’s headquarters to explain the project and what it offers. Hopefully by […]

The value of community heritage: Kilkenny

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After 25 years in the business, I am still regularly inspired and delighted by the people and places that my work takes me to. And that was even before last week, when Peter and I went to Kilkenny. Recently (for example here and here and here and here) there has been a lot of discussion about what […]