What makes landscape interpretation special?
Landscape interpretation has to grapple with complexity, both in terms of subject matter and mechanisms for delivery. It is much more complicated than interpreting a single site.
Multi-disciplinary partnerships
Landscape-scale interpretation usually involves multiple partners. It requires consultation and consensus-building to agree shared objectives, themes and priorities. This includes understanding the objectives and aspirations of all the partner organisations.
Landscape work is cross-disciplinary and often works with multi-layered themes relating to wildlife, archaeology, social history, geology, landuse history and folklore.
A local focus
Landscape interpretation has multiple audiences, usually including one or more local audiences. Local communities are a part of the landscape and its evolution so planning landscape interpretation will usually involve close consultation with local people.
Interpretation for Landscape Area Partnerships
The Heritage Lottery Fund supports landscape-scale projects through the Landscape Area Partnerships scheme. Well-planned interpretation is essential to the Learning and Participation aspects of these schemes.
We have worked on Project Development several successful Landscape Area Partnership project.