TellTale Training Courses

We design our workshops to suit our clients' needs. If you cannot see exactly what you want on the list below, please contact us.

TellTale offers specialist training in interpretation and visitor experience for heritage staff including introductory intermediate, and advanced courses.

Our most popular training courses are:

An introduction to visitor experience planning

A two day course covering all aspects of creating a great visit experience from the ‘first five minutes’ to the ‘last five minutes’.

Planning great wildlife viewing experiences

A popular two day course, developed for Forestry Commission Scotland, that looks in detail at the management of wildlife sites, visitor experiemces and interpreting wildlife for different visitors.

‘If you only have 50 words, make every one count’; writing for visitors

A one day course covering the essentials of writing powerfully and well for visitors.

Help your site speak

A one day course in site experience mapping for managers and staff on sensitive heritage and wildlife sites

Telling our story

One day skills-based workshop for face-to-face staff and volunteers on delivering key messages and experiences in both ‘performance’ and ‘conversational’ style encounters with visitors.

In your visitors’ shoes

An intensive one day course on recognising and providing for different types of visitors at heritage and wildlife attractions.

Sharing our stories

A one day course on developing story-rich and meaningful visitor experience on human heritage sites

Project management for interpretation projects

A one day course for new managers. Includes briefing and supervising designers and other contractors.

What interpretation do we need?

A participative workshop primarily for community groups (and other people responsible for smaller sites) that goes through the interpretive planning process in a day and develops a action plan.

What people say about TellTale training

The workshop inspired me to revamp our brochure and now we have a new user-friendly colourful pamphlet.


As always, you were very inspiring. I often think interpreters should be entitled to a regular dose of Susan Cross when they are feeling a little low.